Protect your hay and straw from the elements using a Diamond Shelter!
Putting your hay and straw in a Diamond Shelter preserves the quality and helps it from losing feed quality and spoilage.
An Oklahoma State University study shows that round bales stored outside on the ground for 12 to 18 months can lose between 15-50% of the dry matter. Losing 8” on the outside of a 5’ diameter bale is equivalent to approximately 46% of the bales dry matter.
Keeping the Hay and Straw stored inside and away from deer reduces the risk of the deer infecting the cattle heard with Tuberculosis when the deer chew on feed intended for cattle.
Contact Us today to find out how we can help you maximize the feed value of your hay and straw.
Healthy, hungry, happy livestock have better daily weight gains resulting in better profits for your farming efforts.